Residential Care
Raintree Village is one of the few fully accredited homes for foster children in the state of Georgia. Its staff is knowledgeable, experienced and well-trained and also receives annual follow-up training. Raintree Village staff is licensed to serve children needing Basic Watchful Oversight (BWO) services and those children needing Additional Watchful Oversight (AWO) services. Also, the entire Raintree staff is trained in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention.
At Raintree Village, children live in cottages that are supervised by house parents who provide daily care, guidance, structure, and support to each child. Children also get an opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities such as band, chorus, ROTC, sports, church youth group, etc.

At Raintree, we provide children daily tutoring with a certified tutor. We offer regular supervised visits with children and their families in a friendly environment. We teach weekly life skills and parenting classes, and we often accompany and advocate for children in courtrooms across Georgia.
Raintree Village is one of the few institutions in Georgia which offers a second-chance home for young mothers, and the only one in South Georgia. All pregnant teens and mothers with children receive formal training on parenting.

All school-age children attend Lowndes County public schools and they also participate in Raintree’s Tutorial Program, which offers after-school tutoring. The children’s tutor also visits biweekly with each of their teachers to check on progress and address any academic concerns.
Individual Life Skills Plans detail goals for each child and a plan to achieve those goals. As part of this program, children who are eligible to obtain employment receive vocational training and are provided with opportunities to seek, obtain, and maintain employment.